Takinogawa Inari-yu is located in Tokyo’s Kita Ward and was constructed in 1930. It is one of the city’s few remaining prewar sento.Takinogawa Inari-yu is located in Tokyo’s Kita Ward and was constructed in 1930. It is one of the city’s few remaining prewar sento.Takinogawa Inari-yu is located in Tokyo’s Kita Ward and was constructed in 1930. It is one of the city’s few remaining prewar sento.
住所 | 東京都文京区千駄木5-32-2 |
創業年 | 昭和初期(不詳) |
廃業年 | 2014年(平成26年) |
わたしたちの関わり方 | How we were involved
記録の種類 | 記録を行った年 | 記録者(協力者) |
スチール写真 | 2013 | 文京建築会ユース / Haruka Kuryu |
ヒアリング | 2013 | 文京建築会ユース |
全天球写真撮影 | 2013 | 君塚和香 |